Sunday, October 2, 2011

Salt - Keeping the Roman army going for decades!

So the other day was kind of eye-opening for me.  We went to McDonalds, enjoyed some tasty burgers and put it behind us (or on our behinds?).  I'm going to be of the mind that doing this kind of thing every once in while is not a big deal. I'm not prepared to never have a burger again. So it's inevitable we're going to be eating a lot of salt sometimes.

But I never quite realized just how much salt is in a fast food meal.  For an average adult, the daily recommended dose of salt is about 1500mg.  On the dukan diet, I think it is extremely easy to stay below this level, mainly because you're encouraged to use as little salt as possible. 

Here's what I found out we ate the other day.
John :
Quarter Pounder with Cheese - 1190mg
McRib - 980mg
Chicken Nuggets (half serving)- 180mg
Total Sodium - 2350mg

Sawa :
Quarter Pounder with Cheese - 1190mg
Filet O' Fish - 640mg
Chicken Nuggets (half serving)- 180mg
Total Sodium - 2010mg

That's around 1.5 times the recommended sodium intake for a day. And consider that we didn't really even have breakfast or dinner that day. That was the only meal, and it was already 500mg over the limit for Sawa, and nearly 900mg over for me.  Also, we skipped the fries (which was hard, since the staff kept reminding us it was cheaper to get a set with fries than just individual items).  A small fries would have added 160mg (they don't show how much is in a Medium, so I'll assume double).

I'm not ragging on McDonalds.  I love their burgers (one reason I'm on this diet).  But it just goes to show, if in an average day you run down to the fast food place to grab lunch, plus you're having dinner and breakfast that day, you could be well over double your daily sodium.
If you'd like to check out other items from the"McMenu" take a look at .

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