Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 52

Lost - JOHN: 0.6Kg   SAWA: 0.4Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Tuna scrambled eggs (John), bran muffins (Sawa).
LUNCH:  Tofu burgers (John) Tofu burgers (Sawa).
DINNER:  Bran porridge (John), Jelly (Sawa).
OTHER: Fish sausage
Walked home from work.
YES!  Two breakthroughs here. One small one for me, and a big one for Sawa.  I finally passed into the 97's. A new number! And Sawa reached the goal she set!  Whoo hoo!!  God Job Sawa.   But she wants to keep going for a bit more. Maybe half a kilo more. Let's see if she becomes anorexic.

But probably not. Because tomorrow, we're going to eat curry at the best Indian restaurant in Tokyo!

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