Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 39 - Friday

Lost - JOHN: 0.1Kg   SAWA: 0.3Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: No breakfast.
LUNCH:  Tofu with crab stick (John) Tofu burger (Sawa).
DINNER: We went to an italian restaurant.  Details to follow.
OTHER: No snacks today.
Walked around town doing errands about 40 minutes (John), walked around a design show for a few hours (Sawa), so that must add up to something.
Tonight we celebrated Sawa's dad's birthday.  He chose a really good Italian restaurant. So we went full bore and ate pasta, pizza, salad, lots of small things (like calamari) and bum bum bum... huge dessert.  We really ate a lot.  So, it's a mystery how we'll be tomorrow.  Let's just call this another experiment.

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