Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 Weeks and Breaking through a barrier!

Hello faithful readers. (Do I have any readers? Please leave a comment if I do).
Today we see the end of week 5.  And today both Sawa and I broke through a small barrier.  (Well, small for her, larger for me).

Here's our starting weight -
John - 109.6Kg  (241.62 lbs)
Sawa - 55.9Kg   (123.2 lbs)

Current Weight -
John - 99.6Kg   (219.58 lbs)
Sawa - 49.6Kg  (109.34 lbs)

It's a HUGE motivator to see that number in front change.  I'll be honest. I haven't been below 100Kg since I got married, I think, at least more than ten years. So to finally see that breakthrough feels so good.  Sawa too.  She got out of the 50's and is now in the 40's. (She Japanese, so she's pretty small).

Weight Lost - John: 1.8kg (3.96lbs) Sawa: 0.8kg (1.76lbs)

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