Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 32 Friday

Lost - JOHN: 0.4Kg   SAWA: 0.1Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: No breakfast.
LUNCH: Sandwiches, potato salad and scallop salad (John & Sawa).
DINNER: Hamburger patty, salad, some french fries, fried oysters (John), Hamburger patty and rice, corn soup, french fries (Sawa).... Pumpkin icecream parfait (John & Sawa).
Back down from yesterday's gain.  Today, one of Sawa's customer/friend came over and we had sandwiches for lunch.  For me and Sawa, it seems like such a spurge.  Bread, potato salad, cheese in the sandwiches.  But her friend said it was such a healthy lunch.  Funny how that lunch can look so dangerous right now. 
So then we decided why not just make a day of it and eat something nice for dinner. We went to Denny's with Sawa's grandmother and had hamburger steaks. It was really nice.  We even finished off with a small ice cream parfait.  Whoa. First time I've had something that sweet in a month. It was really good!  We'll just have to see what happens tomorrow.  But it sure was tasty.

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