Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 30

Lost - JOHN: 0.4Kg   SAWA: 0.2Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Tofu Burgers (John), Bran Muffins(Sawa).
LUNCH: Chicken Stirfy with Broccoli (John), 1 1/2 Tofu burgers(Sawa).
DINNER: Bran porridge (John), Half tofu burger, hanpen with creme cheese(Sawa).
OTHER: Fish saussage
None today.  Too tired in the morning, then it rained like crazy this evening.  Darn.
I'm getting close to a little milestone here.  Almost ten kilos.  Just a couple more to go.  Sawa has steadily been losing 0.2kg every day.  Great, eh.

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