Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 25 - Friday

Lost - JOHN: 0.2Kg   SAWA: 0.3Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: No breakfast today (John & Sawa).
LUNCH: McDonalds- McRib and QuarterPounder (John) Fish sandwich and QuarterPounder (Sawa) and chicken nuggets (shared).
DINNER: Bran with milk (John), Dry bran (Sawa).
OTHER: No snacks today.

Walked around town for about an hour (John and Sawa).

Today was a "forget the diet day".  The McRib came to McDonalds. And like Homer Simpson, I couldn't pass it up.  So we went there for a kind of late lunch. Then we went for a long walk around town. I also noticed that I think my actual stomach has shrunk, because about halfway through the meal, I was already feeling a bit full.  One great side-effect of this diet. My appetite has gone down a bit. 

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