Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Magical Oat Bran

Dukan constantly touts the benefits of eating oat bran, and doesn't just recommend it, but requires it as part of his diet.

What's oat bran? It's the outer shell of the oat that gets removed during processing.

One of the benefits of eating oat bran is that it reduces cholesterol. It also helps digestion. What's more, it's one of the main sources of fiber during the attack and cruise phases of the diet.

Dukan requires you to take increasing amounts as the diet progresses.
Attack Phase - 1.5Tbs
Cruise Phase - 2Tbs
Consolidation Phase (and onward) - 3Tbs

I find it really fills you up and allows you a chance to eat something a bit like carbs. The easiest way to eat it is to put it in yogurt, but I've also made pancakes with it (using fat-free yogurt and eggs) as well as actually baking muffins with it (same as the pancakes, but add baking powder and spices, etc. It turns out quite well and goes pretty well with meat, etc.

We found ours quite cheap here in Japan, so I'm assuming in places like the US and UK, you can find it even easier. Whether or not you do the Dukan diet, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a bit of oat bran to your diet.


  1. Hi, could you pls advise where to find oat bran in Tokyo supermarket?I tried to find it, but no one understand what the real oat bran is. Thx! - Martha

    1. Hi Martha. Finding oatbran in Japan has, unfortunately, been impossible for me. I'm sure it's out there somewhere. You can easily find wheat bran, just ask for Komugi Fusuma. Komugi is wheat and fusuma is bran. If you want oat bran, ask for Oh-mugi Fusuma. To be honest, when I started the diet, I ate the wheat bran, thinking it was oat bran. It's pretty bitter if you eat it as-is, so I usually made the pancakes and little muffins with it. If you know someone overseas, or you're going there yourself, it's extremely easy to find in the supermarket.
      Good luck!

  2. Hi! I have good news for you. I got it from Kaldi, but need to order it. 500 gr for 758 yen. A bit pricey. You can have it in 2 working days.
    The brand is oldlums oat bran. I found it nice
    Thanks a lot!

  3. Martha, you're a gem. That will help a lot. Thank you.
