Monday, September 5, 2011

A Bit of Setup

I bought the Dukan book, gave it a thorough read over the weekend, and my wife and I decided to give it a try. We set Tuesday as the day to start for some reason. I don't know why, but we did.

My wife is set to do the attack phase for three days, while I do it for six.  The diet sounds really easy, but I definitely don't want to get caught in a corner without the proper food. So today was a bit of shopping.

We live in Japan, so finding some of the ingredients are problematic.  For example, low fat cheese is nowhere to be found. I found some fat free yogurt at least.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to find the oat bran, but we found it in one of the basement supermarkets that are all over Japan in department stores.

The rest was buying some chicken and fish, which was more than easy to find.

I'm pretty sure if you've found this site, then you know what the Dukan diet is.  But just in case you don't, here's a quick rundown.
A doctor in France name Pierre Dukan created a diet based on four phases-
The Attack Phase: You do this for 3-10 days, eating pure protein (meat, fish, tofu, eggs).  It's supposed to be a sneak attack to confuse your body's metabolism.
The Cruise Phase: You do this phase until you reach your target weight. From here, you alternate between only protein days, and protein plus vegetable days.
The Consolidation Phase: This phase is supposed to stabilize your body so it doesn't gain all that weight back. For every pound you lost in the first two phases above, you're supposed to do five days of consolidation. So it could be nearly half a year or more, depending on how much you lost. Now you can eat some more carbohydrates, like bread and pasta on certain days, while still doing the "cruise phase" style of diet.
The Stabilization Phase: From here, you're supposed to be able to eat like normal. However, once a week you have a protein only day. This is supposed to help keep you balanced.
The Oat Bran - This is Dukan's secret. You eat from 1.5 to 3Tbs of oatbran a day. It helps digestion as well as fills you up. This is one of the most interesting parts of the diet. I'll explain it more in another post in more detail.

Check out his website if you want to assess your own goal weight.

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