Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to Survive Failed Experiments

The other day I tried to make lunch with some tuna trimmings I bought for about $2.00. It was just too good to pass up. And let me tell you... it turned out awful. We ended up tossing it all and just having some leftovers we had in the fridge.

I recommend that if you want to experiment, make sure you have snacks and other options ready to go, because if your experiment fails miserably (like mine did), it's nice to be able to just nuke something in the microwave.  I really didn't feel like cooking after my mishap, and we were starving. So it was a lifesaver that we already had things to fall back on.  Otherwise we would have probably just ended up eating fried eggs or something.

So experiment away! There are tons of recipes out there on the net, as well as hiding in your head.  But just make sure you have the old standbys to fall back on in a pinch.  Good luck.

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