Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 2 - Wondering How Long this Pace Lasts

Second week of the diet. Sawa is doing her cruise phase. I'm going to stay on the Attack phase until a little longer. (Sorry. Got a bit behind on the posts).

Weight Lost - John: 1.4kg (3.08lbs) Sawa: 0.9kg (1.98lbs)

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011Day 8- Very average day.
Lost - JOHN: 0.6Kg SAWA: 0.3Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Chicken breast and yogurt (John), bran cookies and kanten jelly (Sawa).
LUNCH: Ground chicken curry with galette (John), Tofu burger with shredded cabbage (Sawa).
DINNER: Grilled fish (John) two tofu burgers and kanten jelly (Sawa).
OTHER: Kamaboko and crab sticks.
We walked for about 35 minutes this morning.
Not much to report on. Pretty much just tried to watch the salt and calories. Also, it was nice walking together with Sawa again. She's getting up really early to walk with me.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2011Day 9- Hot and humid day in September, but diet is creeping along.
Lost - JOHN: 0.2Kg SAWA: 0.3Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Tuna omelet (John), Kanten and bran cookie (Sawa).
LUNCH: Ground chicken curry with galette (John) ,box of mini-tomatoes and shredded cabbage/alfalfa sprouts and tofu burger (Sawa).
DINNER: Two tofu burgers (John), two tofu burgers with green onions (Sawa).
OTHER: Fish sausage and crab sticks.
20 minutes walking in the morning.
Again, an average day. We walked for 20 minutes this morning in the muggy Tokyo weather. I think the curry powder I use might be a bit too salty for this diet though. The reason I think that is because...

SEPTEMBER 15, 2011Day 10- A little morning surprise for us. The first time to gain weight since starting.
Lost - JOHN: +0.6kg SAWA: 0.1Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Two boiled eggs (John), bran muffin (Sawa).
LUNCH: Two chicken breasts (John), two tofu burgers (Sawa).
DINNER: Yogurt with bran (John), saba and kanten jelly (Sawa).
OTHER: Crab sticks and kanten.

20 minutes walking in the morning.
What happened? I was so surprised to see a gain of more than half a kilo this morning. I'm pretty sure it was from that curry, which must contain a lot of salt. Because calorie-wise, I don't think I ate so much. So, tomorrow will just be a more careful day with salt and proportion.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2011Day 11- Seems the weight is still going down at least. Had some no-no's due to a birthday dinner.
Lost - JOHN: 0.8Kg SAWA: 0.3Kg
The menu

BREAKFAST: Grilled fish and kanten (John & Sawa).
LUNCH: Half tofu burger and crab sticks (John), half tofu burger and fish sausage (Sawa).
DINNER: Sashimi, tofu, chili shrimp, chicken karage (fried pieces of chicken), salmon salad (John & Sawa).
40 minutes walking to the shops in the afternoon.
As you notice, down quite a bit today. This was obviously the water gain from the other day coming off. I'm chalking it up to that salty curry powder.
Today we ate pretty well...up until the evening. It was Sawa's grandmother's birthday, so we got some food from the department store and kind of splurged. Honestly, we ate mostly sashimi and tofu, but I think things like the salmon salad and the shrimp had quite a bit of salt in it. So...

SEPTEMBER 17, 2011Day 12- Small repercussions due to yesterday's delicious food.
Lost - JOHN: +0.4Kg SAWA: +0.4Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Caspian yogurt and boiled eggs (John), bran muffins (Sawa).
LUNCH: Two tofu burgers (John), tofu burger and kanten (Sawa).
DINNER: Grilled salmon and tuna, tofu, yogurt with bran (John), prosciutto, crab pasta, carbonara, seafood pizza, sweet chili chicken, ceaser salad (Sawa).
OTHER: Crab sticks and kamaboko for snacks.
Walked 30 minutes from work (John) and 20 minutes (Sawa).
Darn. But we wanted to experiment a bit and see what happens if we eat some regular food for dinner. Well, we both gained 400grams. Again, I think this is water weight from the salt, because what we did eat was all pretty usual, except for that chicken and shrimp, and the dressing on the salmon salad. Sawa went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant and...

SEPTEMBER 18, 2011Day 13- We're almost through week 2.
Lost - JOHN: 0.4Kg SAWA: 0.2Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Caspian yogurt and tofu burger (John), bran muffins (Sawa).
LUNCH: Two chicken breasts (John), tofu burger and kanten (Sawa).
DINNER: Two boiled eggs and yogurt with bran (John), prosciutto, crab pasta, carbonara, seafood pizza, sweet chili chicken, ceaser salad (Sawa).
OTHER: Crab sticks and kamaboko for snacks.
30 minutes walking in the morning (John and Sawa) then I walked home from work for 30 minutes (John).
How did Sawa eat pasta and pizza and still lose weight? A mystery to me. But it's great. She still went down. I basically broke even over the last two days.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Day 14- We survived two weeks of the diet so far.

Lost - JOHN: 1.0Kg SAWA: 0.1Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST/LUNCH: Tuna omelet with bran in it (John), bran muffins and kanten (Sawa).
DINNER: We ate out at a Chinese restaurant. Too many things to list here.
OTHER: No snacks today. I had two gin tonics with dinner (as an experiment of course).
30 minutes walking in the morning (John and Sawa) then I walked home from work for 30 minutes (John).
Today we went out with Sawa's family to celebrate "Respect for the Aged" day, at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We ate quite a bit, but I think we managed to keep from going crazy. I'm shuddering to see what happens tomorrow morning.

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