Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 24

Lost - JOHN: 0.2Kg   SAWA: 0.4Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Tofu burgers (John), Bran muffins(Sawa).
LUNCH: Chicken and veggie stirfry (John & Sawa).
DINNER: Bran with milk (John), Kanten Jelly (Sawa).
OTHER: Fish sausage, kamaboko
Walked home from work (John), 30 minutes walk (Sawa).
What a day yesterday.  At my job a student brought us a big box of donuts and sausage rolls.  Another student brought some high quality chocolates. I had one of the chocolates, which was 77% cacao, so maybe that's ok.  Heh heh. But, overall I think the willpower held out pretty well. 

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