Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 22

Lost - JOHN: 0.6Kg   SAWA: 0.3Kg
The menu

BREAKFAST: Vegetable omelet and cucumber salad (John), Bran muffins(Sawa).
LUNCH: Chicken stir-fry (John), tofu burgers and some okara(Sawa)..
DINNER: Yogurt with bran (John), Cream puff (Sawa).
OTHER: Crab sticks and fish sausages.
Walked 30 minutes in the morning together.
Still going down.  Great great great.  Today was a veggie day for me, so I tried to eat a lot, like the cucumber salad, and the omelet had a bunch of veggies in it. Sawa had her usual, except this evening she at a cream puff.  Can't be helped. Her customer offered it to her.  You have to keep the customer happy.
Late night tonight, so I didn't have the half-bath.

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