Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 17

Lost - JOHN: 1.0Kg   SAWA: +0.2Kg

The menu
BREAKFAST: Tuna and boiled egg salad in nori (John), bran muffins(Sawa).
LUNCH: Tofu burgers (John), boiled egg, crab stick and tuna(Sawa).
DINNER: Tofu and mentaiko (John), kanten (Sawa).
OTHER: We had a cocktail to ease our frustrated minds (frustrated from work).
Sawa rode her bike for 45 minutes. John was lazy.
Phew. Down 1.0Kg. I guess that the body really keeps that salt in it. I was worried I was going to be stuck on a 104Kg plateau for a while. Hopefully this is the continuation of my way down. I think this will be the last day of the attack phase I do. I've kept making excuses to stay on it (gained the day before, want to push a bit more, etc), but I really think it's time for some veg. It will make it much easier to cook too. I love stirfry and and dying for a chicken and veg stirfry. Or vegetable soup. Time to mix it up.
Tomorrow is a barbecue (last of the summer for my coworkers and all), so hopefully we have some meat and I can also eat a big breakfast so I'm not so hungry. I really want to see the 102's soon.

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