Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 15

*I'm going to try doing daily posts for a while, and maybe consolidate them together at the end of the week.*

Lost - JOHN: +0.4Kg   SAWA: +0.7Kg
The menu

BREAKFAST: Tofu burger (John), bran cookies(Sawa).
LUNCH: Chicken breasts (John), Tofu burger with shredded cabbage (Sawa).
DINNER: Grilled fish and scallops (John and Sawa).
OTHER: Fish sausages and kanten jelly.
Laziness overtook us, and we ended up sleeping a bit late. Sawa rode her bike for work, but I was pretty lazy.
The dinner had less of an affect than I thought it would. Only a gain of a few hundred grams for the both of us. At least neither of us gained over a kilo. So I'm not disappointed.

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