Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 16

Lost - JOHN: +0.6Kg   SAWA: 0.6Kg
The menu

BREAKFAST: Yogurt with bran (John), bran cookies(Sawa).
LUNCH: Chicken breasts (John), tuna with nori, shredded daikon and green onion and hanpen with mentaiko (Sawa).
DINNER: Tofu with mentaiko (John) tofu burgers (Sawa).
OTHER: Fish sausages and kanten jelly.
We got up early, around 5:30, dressed and went for a walk. A typhoon was passing through Tokyo that day and we got a taste of it. So after about two minutes, we turned and went back home. We did a few little exercises inside (my legs are actually pretty sore from the squats).
Wow. Sawa lost 0.6Kg and I gained 0.6Kg. Is this some kind of mental transference? Just kidding. But it is weird how our bodies work. Must be residual from the Chinese restaurant the other night? Wow. I thought yesterday was my weight gain from that. I'll just have to be careful tomorrow.

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