Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 42-47: Dieting during a busy period (Week in review!)

We were really busy this week, setting up for Sawa's hat show.  Lot's of running around, talking to buyers (we hope), and generally not having time to cook
We basically took a lax attitude for this week and said "Whatever will be, will be".  Read on faithful followers, to see what our week held...

John - 100.4 (-0.2kg)           Sawa - 49.0 (-0.1Kg)
John -  99.3 (-1.1kg)            Sawa - 49.0 (0.0kg)
John -  99.9 (+0.6kg)           Sawa - 49.2 (+0.2kg)
John - 100.6 (+0.7kg)          Sawa - 49.4 (+0.2kg)
John - 100.4 (-0.2kg)           Sawa - 50.0 (+0.1kg)
John - 100.2 (-0.2kg)           Sawa - 50.6 (+0.6kg)

We went out for lunch and dinner a couple of times.  There was a day of Subway sandwiches. Another day we went to a steak restaurant and had a delicious huge steak.  That was actually the day before I lost the 1.1Kg. After the exhibition we went to Dennys for a really late dinner, and finally, on Friday, we ate a nice lunch and said "Oh come on. Let's have some cake". We indulged away our long week.

So overall, I was down 0.2Kg from the first day, and sawa was up 0.6Kg. She'll lose it quickly though. She's a real fat burner.

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