Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 33

Lost - JOHN: 0.2Kg   SAWA: +0.8Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Tofu burgers (John), Bran muffins (Sawa).
LUNCH: Sliced beef (John), Tofu burgers (Sawa).
DINNER: Bran porridge (John),  (Sawa).
OTHER: No snacks today.
Walked home from work.
Down 0.2kg from yesterday. This happened last time I went out, and the next day I was up.  So I'm curious if the same thing will happen, or if my metabolism will let me coast through this one.  Not so lucky for Sawa.  Up almost 1kg.  Wow.  Of course, we're assuming it's just water.  If it's gone tomorrow, that's probably it. 

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