Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 40 - Debauchery and over-indulgence!

Lost - JOHN: +0.1Kg   SAWA: +0.6Kg
The menu
BREAKFAST: Salad (John), no breakfast (Sawa).
LUNCH:  McRib at McDonalds (John) Tofu burgers (Sawa).
DINNER: Some small bar food and lots of drinks (John), dry bran (Sawa).
OTHER: No snacks today.
No exercise to speak of.  Just some basic walking her and there.  Nothing really good enough.
So, today was a true test of my metabolism.  Considering we went out and ate pasta yesterday, this was pretty bad of me. My work was having a party for the students, which all teachers must go to.  These are usually at izakaya, kind of a Japanese bar/restaurant. It was all you can eat/drink.  I knew I was going to end up drinking, so I stuck to Gin-Tonics, which I read were pretty good as far as booze goes. 
On top of that, I decided I better have one more go at the McRib before it's gone. Why not, I'm already off the diet for today.  So lunch was two juicy McRibs.  Man, they were good, but I felt a bit guilty afterwards. Just push that thought away. Que sera sera.  I was good enough to eat almost nothing at the party. But about 5 gin-tonics.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. No regrets.  Just strict tomorrow.  That's my new motto!

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