Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 21 - Still struggling

Weekly summary
Well, looks like I'm doing something wrong, because I'm up .1kg this week. I know it's because I've not been sticking to the diet strictly. I have to get my willpower back or else I'll be stuck around this weight for ages.

So today's results are as follows -

John - 96.6Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers. Ham sandwich.
Lunch: Omelet with chicken in it.
Dinner: Oat bran.
Snacks: Some fish sausages.
Exercise: Walked home from work 30 minutes.

John - 96.1Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers, some ham.
Lunch: Pork stirfry.
Dinner: Oat bran.
Snacks: Fish sausages.
Exercise: Walk home 30 minutes.


John - 96.1Kg
Breakfast: Omelet with ham.
Lunch: Pork stirfry and salad.
Dinner: Izakaya stuff (chicken, some pizza, drinks).
Snacks: Nuts
Exercise: No exercise today.


John - 96.7Kg
Breakfast: No breakfast.
Lunch: Some bread.
Exercise: Walked 20 minutes to station.


John - 96.5Kg
Breakfast: Sandwich.
Lunch: Subway sandwich.
Dinner: Soup and sushi.
Snacks: No snacks.
Exercise: No exercise today. What a bad day for my diet.


John - 97.2Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers.
Lunch: Chicken stirfry.
Dinner: Octopus.
Snacks: Nuts and fish sausage.
Exercise: No exercise today.


John - 96.8Kg
Breakfast: No breakfast.
Lunch: Omelet.
Dinner: Sukiyaki.
Snacks: No snacks.
Exercise: No exercise today.

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