Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get back on track, lazy bugger.

It's been ages since the last post.  I think the last post was on November 14th, actually. Over two months ago. I've become a lazy mo-fo.December came, and with it, an onset of doing whatever I wanted to do. I made a massive Christmas dinner for everyone and ate Turkey for about four days (with gravy and stuffing of course). Then the New Year came around and we ate tons of great food. Luckily I didn't drink so much beer.

But on the bright side, Sawa and I have managed to keep our weight pretty much under control. Just not losing much at the moment. One thing I noticed about writing is that keeps you focused and helps you see what you've been doing. So, it's back to being Mr. Strict. I'm going to start doing the weekly post again, because upon going back and reading through the posts, the weekly ones seemed easier to look through.

So, good luck to me (from me). Enough playing around. Time to get back into the 80's...

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