Thursday, January 26, 2012

Keeping full

Getting back into this diet, the first few days I felt hungrier than usual. Again, that first day back on I think I was caught unprepared for the munchies. That’s why I ended up munching that piece of chicken after work. So, I’ve got some tips for fighting off the hunger pangs when they sneak up on you.

Water, coffee, whatever...
Liquids have to be one of the most effective hunger-fighting things I’ve found. I’ll be honest, I end up getting hungry again pretty quickly, and you’ll spend all day running back and forth to the restroom. When you’re craving something to fill your belly, though, and it’s just before or only a little while after you’ve eaten, it helps keep your in control.

One of the worst times for me is just after work. I have a twenty minute train ride, and then a thirty minute walk home. And I’ve usually eaten lunch over six or seven hours before. If I have some gum to chew, it can save me. For me, it has to be fruit gum though. I just don’t feel satisfied chewing mint gum (even though everyone around me is grateful). Try it out. Also, I don’t really care if gum is low sugar or not. It’s gum, for gods sake. You’re not going to eat a whole pack of it.  Are you?

Hard candy (or boiled sweets as the brits say)
I don’t usually munch on these, since they are basically just sugar. You might as well eat gummy candy if you’re going to eat it. But since you can suck on them for a while, at least you won't be putting something else in your mouth. 

Find out what works best for you and share if you have any other ideas. 

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