Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Old-Man Winter is in my way.

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell

I found the above quote, and wholeheartedly agree with it. Over the past winter it's come to my attention that it definitely is harder to diet when it's cold outside. The body craves food, comfort... just like old Edith said above.

I started this diet in September. September in Japan is still basically summer; it's still hot and humid.  It's easy to wake up, easy to get full, easy to go for a walk. Overall, dieting is easier in Summer.

During the winter, I want to eat warm and filling things, and I don't want to walk home in the icy cold wind. On top of all that, winter has the most holidays where it's good old fashioned comfort food is the focus. Let's say, if you're in the states, at least, starting in November, you have Thanksgiving day. Lots of good food. The wind has started to blow colder. Maybe you're even getting snow.
One month later, we have Christmas. Christmas isn't just a day of eating good food. For a lot of people the Christmas holiday starts much earlier, putting up decorations, making cookies, going out with friends. There is a lot of eating and relaxing going on.
A few days later, we have New Years. There isn't as much food, but the drink and free spirit flows easily and it is very hard to resist joining in the fun.

And even more so, in Winter we all wear heavy, baggy clothes. No need to worry about that little belly popping out. Just pop a sweater on top of it.

So, I'm going to tell everyone right now, if you want to start your diet in Winter, that's great. Try to follow it as closely as possible, but don't get discouraged if you find it difficult. It is not fun at all going for your 20 minute walk when it's cold. If you have a treadmill or indoor bike, use that. It's great.

Just remember, though, that in a few short weeks, Spring will come and bring nice weather. You'll actually want to get out of the house after the long winter. The tempting holidays will be behind us. The coming heat will reduce your appetite (a bit at least). The desire to show more skin in the sun will also motivate you to keep going. So don't give up, but don't worry too much either. Dieting isn't a quick fix. It takes time. The winter is the little speed bump. But we're almost past it now and you can put the pedal to the metal.

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