Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 67 - Back to the weekly style

I've decided to go back to the weekly update style. I'm going to post our results every Friday, but I'll try to include some other articles along the way.
Today's short, though, since it's already Friday.

So today's results are as follows -

John - 97.5Kg      Sawa - 48.7Kg
Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: Tofu Burgers
Dinner: Oat bran (John) Bran Muffins (Sawa)
Snacks: Asian Pear, some macadamia nuts

Weekly summary
Well, looks like I'm back on track. We're both down, and thank goodness. But it just goes to show, this diet is a really good way to maintain weight. For two weeks I've been lazy, not keeping track, eating a bit of bad stuff. But back on the diet properly and already going down.
This is really helpful to know for the future. No need to get discouraged, just get back on that wagon and keep at it.

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