Sunday, January 22, 2012

What are these foods we're eating? Part 3 -Tofu Burger edition!

There aren't too many new things I've been eating, so I thought I'd talk about my favorite quick breakfast item, the amazing and delicious...

This is the awesome tofu burger I usually eat every morning. They don't look like much, and to be honest, they're probably a bit saltier than I should be having, but for ease and considering how much salt is in some other foods, these are pretty good.

I buy them from a little tofu shop down the street. It's run by a really nice old man and woman, who have come to recognize my wife and I since we buy so many tofu burgers. We usually order ten, and they're frozen little patties. As far as I know, they're mainly tofu and ground chicken with some onions and spices.

At home in the morning I pop them into this roasting thing and grill them for about 15 minutes, until they're just getting brown. Then I let them cool a bit, usually while I'm drinking my coffee or getting dressed for work. Then I wrap them up and usually eat them after I get to the office. This way I feel full longer. And they're pretty satisfying.

I'm sorry for tempting anyone out there who can't get these. I'm just talking about them mainly as a way to show how something you like can be turned into a regular and extremely quick and easy meal. Since I can eat these things everyday, and I don't need a plate or fork to eat these with, they're one of my favorite breakfasts.

Let me know if you guys out there have any favorite easy-to-prepare things.

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