Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 20 - Getting my Groove Back (Kind of)

This week, I'm unfortunately dropping Sawa from the updates. She's pretty much stabilized around her perfect weight. She's up and down a kilo or two every once in a while, but she's done a great job of keeping where she is. So... it will just be my super exciting days I'm keeping track of here.
Also, since I actually started this diet on a Tuesday, I'm going to start the week from then.

Total weight loss - 0.0Kg

Pretty lousy first week. Weight was up and down with the way I've been eating. I'm not so much sticking to the diet as kind of using it as an idea. WHICH DOESN'T WORK, PEOPLE! I've got to get my mind set to the way it was when I first started this whole thing.
Also, did pretty poorly with the walking this week. It's mainly because it's so freezing cold here. It actually snowed last night. Going for a walk in drizzly cold rain is not fun.
So next week, I have to stick to it harder (say no to friends more), walk more and not be so weak of will.

The breakdown is below.

John - 96.1Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers and an omelet.
Lunch: Ground chicken stir-fry.
Dinner: Oat bran.
Snacks: Piece of chicken from the convenience store. (Doh).
Exercise: Walked home from work (30 minutes).

John - 96.3Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers.
Lunch: Ground chicken stir-fry.
Dinner: Oat bran.
Snacks: Fish sausage and crab sticks.
Exercise: Walked home from work (30 minutes).

John - 95.9Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers.
Lunch: Chicken breasts.
Dinner: Nothing
Snacks: Mixed nuts and a couple cocktails.
Exercise: No exercise today.

John - 95.7Kg
Breakfast: No breakfast.
Lunch: Chili.
Dinner: More chili.
Snacks: No snacks today.
Exercise: No exercise today.

John - 96.3Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers.
Lunch: Chicken and beef stirfry and a salad.
Dinner: No dinner.
Snacks: No snacks.
Exercise: No exercise today.

John - 96.1Kg
Breakfast: Two tofu burgers.
Lunch: Chicken and beef stirfry.
Dinner: Chili.
Snacks: No snacks today.
Exercise: No exercise today.

John - 96.1Kg
Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: Curry (at a restaurant).
Dinner: No dinner.
Snacks: Some nuts and a couple cocktails.
Exercise: Walked around town a bit, but hardly exercise.

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