Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 21 - Still struggling

Weekly summary
Well, looks like I'm doing something wrong, because I'm up .1kg this week. I know it's because I've not been sticking to the diet strictly. I have to get my willpower back or else I'll be stuck around this weight for ages.

So today's results are as follows -

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Keeping full

Getting back into this diet, the first few days I felt hungrier than usual. Again, that first day back on I think I was caught unprepared for the munchies. That’s why I ended up munching that piece of chicken after work. So, I’ve got some tips for fighting off the hunger pangs when they sneak up on you.

Water, coffee, whatever...
Liquids have to be one of the most effective hunger-fighting things I’ve found. I’ll be honest, I end up getting hungry again pretty quickly, and you’ll spend all day running back and forth to the restroom. When you’re craving something to fill your belly, though, and it’s just before or only a little while after you’ve eaten, it helps keep your in control.

One of the worst times for me is just after work. I have a twenty minute train ride, and then a thirty minute walk home. And I’ve usually eaten lunch over six or seven hours before. If I have some gum to chew, it can save me. For me, it has to be fruit gum though. I just don’t feel satisfied chewing mint gum (even though everyone around me is grateful). Try it out. Also, I don’t really care if gum is low sugar or not. It’s gum, for gods sake. You’re not going to eat a whole pack of it.  Are you?

Hard candy (or boiled sweets as the brits say)
I don’t usually munch on these, since they are basically just sugar. You might as well eat gummy candy if you’re going to eat it. But since you can suck on them for a while, at least you won't be putting something else in your mouth. 

Find out what works best for you and share if you have any other ideas. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 20 - Getting my Groove Back (Kind of)

This week, I'm unfortunately dropping Sawa from the updates. She's pretty much stabilized around her perfect weight. She's up and down a kilo or two every once in a while, but she's done a great job of keeping where she is. So... it will just be my super exciting days I'm keeping track of here.
Also, since I actually started this diet on a Tuesday, I'm going to start the week from then.

Total weight loss - 0.0Kg

Pretty lousy first week. Weight was up and down with the way I've been eating. I'm not so much sticking to the diet as kind of using it as an idea. WHICH DOESN'T WORK, PEOPLE! I've got to get my mind set to the way it was when I first started this whole thing.
Also, did pretty poorly with the walking this week. It's mainly because it's so freezing cold here. It actually snowed last night. Going for a walk in drizzly cold rain is not fun.
So next week, I have to stick to it harder (say no to friends more), walk more and not be so weak of will.

The breakdown is below.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What are these foods we're eating? Part 3 -Tofu Burger edition!

There aren't too many new things I've been eating, so I thought I'd talk about my favorite quick breakfast item, the amazing and delicious...

This is the awesome tofu burger I usually eat every morning. They don't look like much, and to be honest, they're probably a bit saltier than I should be having, but for ease and considering how much salt is in some other foods, these are pretty good.

I buy them from a little tofu shop down the street. It's run by a really nice old man and woman, who have come to recognize my wife and I since we buy so many tofu burgers. We usually order ten, and they're frozen little patties. As far as I know, they're mainly tofu and ground chicken with some onions and spices.

At home in the morning I pop them into this roasting thing and grill them for about 15 minutes, until they're just getting brown. Then I let them cool a bit, usually while I'm drinking my coffee or getting dressed for work. Then I wrap them up and usually eat them after I get to the office. This way I feel full longer. And they're pretty satisfying.

I'm sorry for tempting anyone out there who can't get these. I'm just talking about them mainly as a way to show how something you like can be turned into a regular and extremely quick and easy meal. Since I can eat these things everyday, and I don't need a plate or fork to eat these with, they're one of my favorite breakfasts.

Let me know if you guys out there have any favorite easy-to-prepare things.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get back on track, lazy bugger.

It's been ages since the last post.  I think the last post was on November 14th, actually. Over two months ago. I've become a lazy mo-fo.December came, and with it, an onset of doing whatever I wanted to do. I made a massive Christmas dinner for everyone and ate Turkey for about four days (with gravy and stuffing of course). Then the New Year came around and we ate tons of great food. Luckily I didn't drink so much beer.

But on the bright side, Sawa and I have managed to keep our weight pretty much under control. Just not losing much at the moment. One thing I noticed about writing is that keeps you focused and helps you see what you've been doing. So, it's back to being Mr. Strict. I'm going to start doing the weekly post again, because upon going back and reading through the posts, the weekly ones seemed easier to look through.

So, good luck to me (from me). Enough playing around. Time to get back into the 80's...