Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 27

Last week: 94.9Kg   >>>>  Today: 95.0Kg.  (+0.1Kg)
Who would have thought half a year is only 26 weeks long? I just realized that.
Anyway, six months and one week over. And guess what? I gained 0.1kg. Why? I don't know. Here's how the week basically went down.

Last Tuesday 94.9kg. Up until Friday I followed the diet strictly, not even eating veggies. Just the strict attack phase once again. Then on Friday a friend came over and we went out for pasta. Oh pasta, my sweet sweet downfall. It was so good, creamy tomato shrimp pasta. That Saturday I was up to 96.5kg. 1.5Kg up. Wow. Oh pasta, you are a cruel mistress.
Then I basically slipped back down again until today, where I'm basically the same weight I was last Tuesday.

So the rule for this week - Strict is the best. I have chicken with asparagus and broccoli today, so not exactly attack phase, but I'm kind of worried about completely dropping the veggies for so long this time. When I did it the last time, and before I started taking supplements, my tongue became strange and very sensitive. It feels better now, but I want to be careful. So, anyway, Week 28 up next. Good luck, me.

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